Someone must find the virus, and tell the developer of the anti-virus about this new virus so they can add it to their database, but before someone detect it. There are new viruses daily, and the anti-viruses are ALWAYS one step behind no matter what. So one anti-virus may be super nice! but it doesn't know everything. I mean, compare all programs like different OT's, they are all good at something, but none of them are good at everything. Afterwards, if you will use the custom client, you can simply remove the Tibia860 client and use our custom client which comes pre-cracked.No offense pwnzer, so don't take me wrong, I'm saying this to help you. Note 2: Elfbot also works with the custom NoxiousOT client, however even in that case you need to run the crack on the Tibia860 client as mentioned above. Note 1: You need to run the crack on both the client 'tibia860.exe' and the Elfbot 'loader.exe', otherwise the crack will not be applied and elfbot will ask for a license! You're now ready to play NoxiousOT with Elfbot NG!.Navigate to the locations of the Tibia860 client (included in the zip) and the Elfbot installation folder.Run the file 'Elfcrack.exe' as Administrator.Run the installer 'setup-4.5.9.exe' to install Elfbot NG.This will generate 3 new ZIP-files and a text-file.

Read the entire set of instructions prior to executing them, to ensure that you have all the required information. You can download Elfbot 4.5.9, along with a free crack and the official Tibia 8.6 client here. Luckily, we have an Item ID List right here! That way, the bot recognises it and can loot it. Note: To configure looting in Elfbot, you'll need to know the Item ID of a certain item.