The elements fought the other nations such as Durakus and Zurijons for years, but at the end they defeated them and killed them all.

In the island of Durukauju, some weird and annoying cultures greeted the elementals, which made them dispise them. With the years, the elements were curious and found other islands. His son, Jikersupaku Kurikusuju, found the poisoning abillity, and developed the weird cultures that belong to the elements, like the Marashuju Kabahki holiday when everyone wears demon masks, to remind them all of the rueful day 1000+ years ago, when the elements killed king Bomkishibamai, the Duraku king of Bomburakuju.They eat quince with and gave syrup to remember how they took his fruits. With thousands of years, Air Elementals were created, and more creatures were invented. He, a stick from Island of Kastalumitios, made peace between the sticks and taught them to build and mix together and to change shape. They fought the Earth Elementals and Fire Elementans for few weeks, but then, a stick from Kastalulimitos, came and changed it. They learnt to swim and they found Fudurnulus, or in Old Elementan: Pukudurnuluju. Water Elementals were first found in the icebergs in the North. When they progressed and developed themselves, Inamorta was a total wasteland with nothing in it. But how did it basically all start? The Elemental Empire was created much more years ago then Order. The Idea is that you can cheaply buy elementals, and turn them into stronger troops by mixing 2 or 4 of them together.

The Elemental Empire is a kingdom that is made from 19 islands in north-eastern Inamorta. 7 Why do they have glass heads and elements in them?.Hey, guys! Before anything, leave a like on the video to support me finding this glitch! This hack will give you Chaos, Elementals, free gold and coi. Choose the Order, Chaos or Elemental Empire’s and play online against your friends. Clashing nations battle for dominance as only the greatest empires will emerge from the rubble. What is Stick Empires? Stick Empires is real time strategy online game (RTS) that takes place in the world of Inamorta, a mysterious, ancient world full of war. Stick Empires Cheats for Coins and Gold Membership Download the new Stick empires hack for free and get the unlimited amount of mana, coins and gold membership in your game account You can get the Stick Empires cheats now for free and give your army strength. Stick Empires – Battle! A healthy mix of melee, ranged and artillery units will make short work of the opponents rather easily, provided that we. Stick Empires – Action! It will take some time before we can build up a large enough army. Stick Empires – Empire! So there are three different types of empires: order, chaos and elemental.